Unity Schools Partnership

About CUSP

CUSP is a partnership, rather than a product. We serve pupils across over 700 schools in the UK, as well as a growing number of international schools too. The aim of this partnership model is collaboration. In joining the CUSP community, you will be surrounded by passionate educators who are equally as committed as you to providing exceptional outcomes for pupils. All our evidence is showcased from the classroom and excellent practice – it’s where we make the genuine gains.

CUSP is guided by evidence-led curriculum structures, such as retrieval, spaced retrieval practice and interleaving. It is underpinned by explicit vocabulary instruction and research-focused pedagogy. Combining these has led to exceptional outcomes for pupils, as a result of coherent curriculum design and instructional teaching. It also gives you, as school leaders, consistency and expectations. CUSP is unapologetically ambitious – it will not only improve outcomes for pupils, but also teacher subject knowledge.

Integral to CUSP is the evidence-led pedagogy that sits behind the architecture of the curriculum design. Our essential online CPD with accompanying handbooks (each one designed to support a staff meeting) will help and your staff thrive throughout the implementation of CUSP and beyond!


Our work is built around
cognitive load theory
principles of instruction
evidence informed practice


We believe learning isn’t an event
It must be


Sequence matters
systematically planned
explicit instruction
supports acquisition of curriculum content

Champions of our Curriculum Partnership